2021. Properties and Propositions: The Metaphysics of Higher-Order Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In this book, I articulate and defend Fregean realism, a theory of properties based on Frege’s insight that properties are not objects. According to this theory, properties are nothing but the satisfaction conditions of predicates. Fregean realism is the key to dissolving a host of longstanding metaphysical puzzles, such as Bradley’s Regress and the Problem of Universals.
I also argue that Fregean realism can be extended to cover states of affairs and propositions. According to this extended theory, states of affairs and propositions are both just the truth conditions of sentences. Fregean realism thus leads to a version of the identity theory of truth, the theory that true propositions are identical to obtaining states of affairs. In other words, the identity theory collapses the gap between mind and world.
Although the production team at CUP successfully corrected most of the errors that were lurking in my original manuscript, a few managed to sneak their way into the final text. Here is a list of the errata that I have spotted. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you spot any more!
2024. A fictionalist theory of universals. Co-authored with Tim Button. For Fritz and Jones (eds) Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. archived | published
2022. Against cumulative type theory. Co-authored with Tim Button. The Review of Symbolic Logic vol.15 pp.907-949. archived | published (open access) (We have spotted a few minor typos in the published version. We will do our best to correct all the typos we spot in the archived version.)
2022. Truth without dependence. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume vol.96 pp.89-121. archived | published
2021. Truthmaking, grounding, and Fitch's paradox. Analysis vol.81 pp.270-274. archived | published
2021. Idealism and the identity theory of truth. Mind vol.130 pp.783-807. archived | published
2018. Substitution in a sense. Philosophical Studies vol.175 pp.3069-3098. published (open access)
2018. The Prenective View of propositional content. Synthese vol.195 pp.1799-1825. published (open access)
2015. The concept horse with no name. Philosophical Studies vol.172 pp.1889-1906 archived | published
2014. Eliminating identity: a reply to Wehmeier. Australasian Journal of Philosophy vol.92 pp.165-172 archived | published
2014. A dilemma for neo-Fregeanism. Philosophia Mathematica vol.22 pp.361-379 archived | published
2013. Reducing truth through meaning. Erkenntnis vol.78 pp.823-832 archived | published (Due to formatting errors in the published version of the article, you may prefer to read the archived draft.)
2013. Neutralism within the semantic tradition. Thought vol.1 pp.246-251 archived | published